Picture of Mitch Zucker

The Firewalker Development Group is the brainchild of Mitch Zucker.

With 30+ years of sales and marketing experience, Mitch has enjoyed working for innovative thinkers at Fortune 500 companies to small family-run businesses. He has worked with world renowned professional development gurus: Chet Holmes, Gerry Robert, and Tony Robbins, with whom he walked on fire in bare feet, not as punishment, but as reward for his sales success!  Here’s that story!

Mitch after Walking on Fire with Tony robbins

The primary lesson of walking on fire is that any journey starts with the first step. You may be scared, you might think long and hard about doing it, but once you have committed, just take that first step.  Then another.  And another.  As Tony would say, “A Real Decision is measured by the fact that you’ve take a new action. If there’s no action, you haven’t truly decided.”  We’re taking massive action creating our business and wanted our name to reflect that.

Mitch honed his sales skills at Archer Courier Services, where he spent countless hours cold calling in Manhattan.

Manhattan 2016

A sales training second to none!

He then spent a combined 18 years with legal publishers CCH and BNA, educating accountants, attorneys, and businesses small and large, to perform better research, resulting in their ability to provide better client advice.
He then utilized a unique open architecture approach for payroll services to help small businesses gain better connectivity and compliance while working for ConnectPay. While with ConnectPay, he was a volunteer Board Member, and award winning member of a non-profit builders association who he then joined full time.

The proud father of two sons, the younger is special needs and is currently enrolled in a couple local programs;  and his oldest is a graduate of the Wentworth Institute of Technology and working for one of the companies which he interned at while at college.

We help small businesses to operate their businesses more efficiently, and to better brand themselves in these ways:

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Vision: To create unparalleled value; developing raving fan clients through the finest marketing techniques, strategies, products, and services.
Mission:  Lead by example.  Work harder, and have more fun, than any other company in our marketplace.  Using our passion, sense of humor and nimbleness; we actively interact with our customers to deliver insightful products and services that exceed their expectations.
Value: We value integrity, customer centric, creative, efficient and agile actions.  We respect highly motivated people and team spirit.  We attract clients for ourselves and our clients through education based approaches.


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